Avionics Network Solutions


AIT's HS1760 (MIL-STD-1760E) as profiled under SAE AS5653 products are built on our Fibre Channel Simulyzer™ and HS1760 IP Core technology. Our HS1760 products provide Network Controller (NC),  Network Terminal (NT), and FC-AE Switch capabilities.

HS1760 Network Interfaces

Our line of HS1760 NIC products are SAE AS5653 compliant and provide Network Controller (NC) and Network Terminal (NT) interfaces on a single module. Several module configurations are available including: one NC and one NT (NCNT), two NCs (NCNC), and two NTs (NTNT).

Key Features:

  • AS5653 Compliant FC‐AE‐1553 NIC
  • 64 MB onboard buffering per channel
  • All data/control paths covered by ECC or CRC checks for single event upset mitigation
  • Unsolicited data path for handling Fibre Channel link service or non‐FC-AE‐1553 traffic
  • x4 PCIe interface to NIC interfaces, with a chaining DMA controller for data movement
  • Common C API interface for both NC and NT
  • 75 Ohm single‐ended coax interface – TNC connectors (using AIT’s XCVR-AS5653)
  • 1.0625 Gbps Operations

Download our HS1760 Products Brochure

PCI Express


HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller for PCI Express



HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E XMC Network Interface Controller



HS-1760 Flight Rated XMC Network Interface Controller

Compact PCI


Two Port Fibre Channel/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller



AS5653 Compliant Small Form Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver

HS1760 FC-AE Lab and Rugged Switches

Both development (lab) and rugged embedded FC-AE switches are available. The switches are AS5653 compliant, and are also compliant with SAE AS5725 (Mini-Munitions) and SAE AS5726 (Micro-Munitions) interfaces. The AIT AS5653 switches are FPGA based and are based on AIT’s AS5653 IP Core.



Sixteen Port MIL-STD-1760E/HS-1760 Lab Switch

Compact PCI


Two Port Fibre Channel/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller



AS5653 Compliant Small Form Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver

HS1760 IP Cores

AIT’s Engineering team has years of experience in various military and aerospace programs. We have over a decade of engineering experience designing hardware, firmware, and software for aerospace applications, and specifically have delivered and supported HS1760/AS5653 IP Solutions.

AIT’s engineering team can efficiently and effectively provide design and integration services, including test methods and best-practice guidance. Our proprietary HS1760 NC, NT, and AS5653 Switch modules are based on an FPGA-based architecture with all protocol engines implemented utilizing AIT Intellectual Property (IP). As a result, AIT stands ready to help valued customers and partners by providing customized HS1760 IP cores to support unique project requirements and protocol variants.

Looking for more information about AIT’s HS1760/AS5653 protocol IP? Contact our Engineering Team.

    Software Tools

    In support of engineering development and integration activities, AIT also provides software simulators and analyzers which provide specific capabilities supporting HS1760 integration and verification test activities.



    AS5653 Protocol Compliance Testing Solution



    Fibre Channel, Ethernet, & Firewire Protocol Analyzer Software


    fcXplorer Simulyzer

    Fibre Channel Simulator & Analyzer Applications Software