Avionics Interfaces & Test Instruments

Fibre Channel

AIT's Fibre Channel Simulyzer™ products are multi-function, high performance, intelligent Fibre Channel interface and testing boards. The products feature both data generation/simulation and monitor/analyzer functions.

Test Instruments

Our Fibre Channel products support most popular avionics Upper Layer protocols including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-1553, FC-AE-RDMA and FC-AE-AV.  All AIT Fibre Channel modules utilize multiple processors with large onboard RAM. An onboard processor runs the driver software, minimizing host CPU interaction, enabling autonomous operation with minimal interaction during time-critical applications.

The Fibre Channel products use our Simulyzer™ technology that enables the hardware to simultaneously perform Fibre Channel data generation and Fibre Channel monitoring on the same physical board. The Fibre Channel test products include full-function device driver software for the most popular operating systems, an application interface supporting development environments, as well as a comprehensive set of source code examples.

Key Features

  • Dual Port Data Generator operating at full line rates
  • Dual Port Analyzer with nanosecond resolution
  • IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for syncronization
  • Physical Bus Replay to reconstruct previously recorded data
  • Live Data Capture to display FC data in real-time
  • fcXplorer Test, Analysis, and Visualization Tool
  • Data Corruptor™ for dynamically changing FC data on a link



Fibre Channel USB & LAN Test & Simulation Module

PCI Express


Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express



Fibre Channel XMC Interface Module

PXI Express


Fibre Channel PXI Express Test & Simulation Instrument



Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI



Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI-X

Software Tools

fcXplorer and the FC SDK

fcXplorer, AIT’s Fibre Channel Simulator and Analyzer Test Software provides an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) for AIT’s Fibre Channel Simulyzer™ interface modules. fcXplorer troubleshoots, optimizes, plans and configures Fibre Channel traffic loading. Low- and High-level protocol analysis features provide capture, filter, time stamp and interpretation of Fibre Channel traffic and generation of advanced statistics. fcXplorer can alert engineers to potential performance and configuration problems allowing users to quickly identify and remedy any anomalous network condition.

AIT’s Fibre Channel Software Development Kit provides a complete suite of software Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) and tools to support intuitive and effective access to the features and functions of the AIT Simulyzer™ hardware modules. The SDK provides examples and support for upper layer protocols inlcuding ASM, RDMA, CLBM, and FCLP.

Fibre Channel Analyzer

Cipher, AIT’s Fibre Channel (as well as Ethernet & Firewire) analyzer application, provides data capture and advanced analysis tools to help users capture, view, analyze, and diagnose network issues easily and efficiently.  Cipher provides users with the ability to define “protocol decoders” to be used for decoding proprietary and application specific protocols and message fields. Additionally, Cipher is built to handle the large amounts of data common when working with high speed network technologies such as Fibre Channel.



Fibre Channel SDK

Fibre Channel Software Development Kit


fcXplorer Simulyzer

Fibre Channel Simulator & Analyzer Applications Software

Network Interface Controllers

In support of Fibre Channel network interface requirements for simulation and network communications applications, AIT provides multiple NIC module options for supporting upper layer protocols such as:

  • ASM
  • FC-AE-1553
  • RDMA
  • FC-AV
  • FC-AE-LP

PXI Express


Two port, high performance, ASM, RDMA, FC-AV, and FC-AE-1553 NIC



Two port, high performance, ASM, RDMA, FC-AV, and FC-AE-1553 NIC

PCI Express


Two port, high performance, ASM, RDMA, FC-AV, and FC-AE-1553 NIC

Fibre Channel Switching & Interconnect

Fibre Channel Switches

In support of lab and system integration applications, we provide a 16-port Fibre Channel/HS1760 Lab switch. For airborne & rugged applications, a 2-port Fibre Channel/HS1760 Compact PCI switch is provided.

Key Switch Features:

  • AS5653 Compliant
  • Up to 16 port supported (in Lab switch)
  • Non-blocking switches with support for 1.0625 Gbps on each port
  • FPGA based design (Also available as an IP Core)


High Speed Digital Switch Matrix & Optical Power Management

In support of interconnect in system integration and lab applications, and also in support of optical power management (measurement and attenuation of optical signals), a protocol independent (physical layer) switch matrix and power management system, VERTA, is provided.

VERTA  supports:

  • Optical Power Management
  • Concurrent & Parallel Test
  • Flexibility of UUT and Tester interconnect
  • Optical and Copper Fibre Channel
  • 1, 2, and 4 Gbit/s Fibre Channel



Sixteen Port MIL-STD-1760E/HS-1760 Lab Switch

Compact PCI


Two Port Fibre Channel/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller



High-Speed Digital Switch Matrix & Optical Power Management System